inside of an italian restaurant

Ordering at a Restaurant

Here are some practical phrases for ordering at a restaurant in Italian:

  1. "Posso avere il menu, per favore?" (pohs-soh ah-veh-reh eel men-oo, pehr fah-voh-reh) - Can I have the menu, please?
  2. "Mi può consigliare un piatto tipico della regione?" (mee pwoh kohn-see-lyah-reh oon pee-at-toh tee-pee-ko della reh-joh-neh) - Can you recommend a typical dish from the region?
  3. "Vorrei ordinare..." (vohr-ray ohr-dee-nah-reh) - I would like to order...
  4. "Qual è il piatto del giorno?" (kwahl eh eel pee-at-toh del jor-no) - What is the dish of the day?
  5. "Desidero il conto, per favore." (deh-zee-deh-roh eel kohn-toh, pehr fah-voh-reh) - I would like the bill, please.
  6. "Mi scusi, posso avere un'altra posata?" (mee skoo-zee, pohs-soh ah-veh-reh oon-al-trah poh-sah-tah) - Excuse me, can I have another utensil?
  7. "Mi piacerebbe ordinare un'acqua minerale, per favore." (mee pyah-cheh-reb-beh ohr-dee-nah-reh oon-ahk-wah mee-neh-rah-leh, pehr fah-voh-reh) - I would like to order a bottle of mineral water, please. ( or acqua frizzante for sparking)
  8. "Cosa mi consiglia come dessert?" (koh-sah mee kohn-seel-yah koh-meh deh-zert) - What do you recommend for dessert?
  9. "Ho delle allergie alimentari. C'è qualcosa che posso mangiare?" (oh dehl-leh ahl-lehr-jee ah-lee-mehn-tah-ree. cheh kwahl-koh-zah keh pohs-soh mahn-jah-reh) - I have food allergies. Is there something I can eat?
  10. "Grazie mille per il servizio." (grah-tsee-eh mee-leh pehr eel sehr-vee-tsee-oh) - Thank you very much for the service.

Remember, using "per favore" (please) and "grazie" (thank you) is considered polite and appreciated in Italian culture.